Healthcare. Simply.

One low monthly fee

Our practice operates by a model called Direct Primary Care (DPC). Your membership fee provides you with direct access to Dr. Cozart via text, email, and telephone. It covers your office visits as well. Most importantly it provides the ability to receive high quality primary care without the interference of insurance companies.

Our practice can handle up to 90% of your healthcare needs in the office

Members have a direct line to Dr. Cozart. You can text, email, or call him directly if you need refills, have a question, or need an appointment.

Direct Communication

Dr. Cozart’s primary concern is delivering excellent primary care rather than the demands of insurance companies or other middlemen.

Personal Care

Because of the DPC model Dr. Cozart has enough time to dedicate to your care. Goodbye assembly-line primary care, hello individualized care.

No Waits